dYdX Trading Inc. is excited to announce its first content competition. Members of the dYdX community will have the opportunity to earn rewards by creating visual and informative content using the list of prompts below. The purpose of this competition is to engage with users of the dYdX community and generate informative content for users of the exchange. We are excited by the potential of this competition to reward users who have a deep understanding of the dYdX protocol for creating content to help community members who are newer to the exchange. Additionally, we hope this competition sparks discussion around some of the harder concepts surrounding dYdX.
Notwithstanding this summary, the content competition is subject to the content competition rules and terms and conditions. Please read them in their entirety.
The competition will run for the next 30 days. Final submissions must be made on December 31st prior to 24:00 UTC on the Typeform dYdX created for the competition here. Results will be posted two weeks later, on January 14th, on dYdX’s blog and winners of the competition will be notified on an individual basis as well via provided emails.
Submissions to the competition may be made in any digital medium (text, video, audio etc.) without preference from the dYdX team. We believe it’s best to allow the creator to choose the ideal form for the submitted content to be created and consumed. However, submitted content is meant to be medium-short form in nature and should not take substantial time (greater than 10 minutes) to review.
Users will be asked to include an Ethereum public key along with submission for rewards to be sent in the case that their submission is chosen. It is permissible for submissions to have multiple authors (all of which will be credited with publication) but Ethereum rewards may only be sent to one address.
Responsible trading involves weighing risk and reward. Given the accessibility of leverage on the dYdX protocol, traders have additional flexibility to take on risk to earn potentially greater rewards. Design a risk calculator that traders can use to measure and assess risk while trading on dYdX. Please be explicit-- include all metrics that may be valuable when assessing risk, the formulas used to calculate those metrics and an explanation of why those metrics are an important measure.
Different exchanges provide market data at different levels of granularity. For example, Coinbase provides L3 data in real time, FTX provides L2 data in real time, and Binance provides L2 data at 100ms intervals (prior to October 2019, 250ms intervals). How does this affect price formation and market structure conditions across markets? For example, you could think of Binance as luring traders into being nearer to the top of the book than they realize by obscuring their view, and this might lead to more stable liquidity or higher traded volume. What trading opportunities or dislocations exist as a result, and how might those interact with emerging DeFi market structure more broadly?
dYdX offers extensive trading tools for professional traders. These tools make dYdX inherently more complicated than other decentralized exchanges, namely Automated Market Maker protocols. dYdX’s aim is to educate the retail market on the advantages of dYdX and elucidate some of its most complicated features. Your task is to create content (in your medium of choice) that will best aid dYdX in achieving these goals: leading to more active traders on the exchange and stakeholders in the dYdX community.
4. SEO
Traders on dYdX often are heavily focused on technical analysis (TA) to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities by analyzing price movements and volume. Much of this research is found via search and dYdX hopes to be a hub where users can find valuable content to supplement their trading experience. For this prompt, analyze and explore any TA topic you believe would generate high search activity and engagement from traders across the web.
Note: The SEO prompt will be judged slightly differently (explained in the judging section below).
The total amount competitors will receive in the competition will be $200,000.00 $USDC , with rewards being split evenly for the four prompts. Each prompt will have a 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winner each receiving the following rewards:
First Place: $30,000 $USDC
Second Place: $15,000 $USDC
Third Place: $5,000 $USDC
Rewards will be sent to the submitted Ethereum address within one week of results being revealed.
dYdX Trading Inc. will judge all submitted content according to the guidelines mentioned above. For this reason we have tried to be as specific as possible when explaining the guidelines for ideal submissions. While there are no quantitative metrics on judging content, dYdX Trading Inc. will judge content on adherence to the previously mentioned guidelines as well as the following criteria:
Clarity: is the submission easily consumable and easy to follow?
Creativity: is the submission novel in terms of ideas or form?
Utility: how useful will the submission be for the dYdX community?
Comprehensiveness: is the submission exhaustive in exploring the prompt?
Understanding: does the submission show a deep understanding of the related prompt?
dYdX Trading Inc. employees will read / watch each piece of content submitted and judge on a relative basis to other submissions. Determination of the winning submissions will be made in dYdX Trading Inc.’s absolute discretion.
Prompt 4 (SEO) will be judged slightly differently from the other prompts. The top 5 submissions will be chosen in a similar manner as mentioned above. These submissions will be posted online and tracked for engagement for 2 weeks. Objectively, the three submissions with the highest engagement will win respective prizes.
About dYdX
dYdX is the developer of a leading decentralized exchange on a mission to build open, secure, and powerful financial products. dYdX runs on audited smart contracts on Ethereum, which eliminates the need to trust a central exchange while trading. We combine the security and transparency of a decentralized exchange, with the speed and usability of a centralized exchange.